Sensori portatili per l'individuazione di esplosivi senza l'intervento di operatore

Portable sensors for unmanned explosive detection

Progetti internazionali
Programma di ricerca
Science for Peace and Security Programme
Ente finanziatore
39500 euro
15/02/2018 - 15/02/2021

Aree / Gruppi di ricerca

Partecipanti al progetto

Descrizione del progetto

The projects aims to the preparation of portable sensors for explosives based on semiconductor nanowires or carbon nanotubes. Nanostructures permit the preparation of sensitive, very compact and lightweight chemical sensors that can be carried by unmanned vehicles such as drones to explore hazardous environments without the direct human intervention. Devices based on functionalised nanostructures have the advantage of very low electrical consumption, high chemical sensitivity, simple technology.

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