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Feo, A, Pinardi, R, Artoni, A., & Celico, F. (2023) Three-Dimensional High-Precision Numerical Simulations of Free-Product DNAPL Extraction in Potential Emergency Scenarios: A Test Study in a PCE-Contaminated Alluvial Aquifer (Parma, Northern Italy), Sustainability, 15. doi: 10.3390/su15129166; iris: 11381/2947412
Di Celma, C, Artoni, A., Jablonská, D, Mammoliti, E, Malavolta, M, Principi, M, Caffau, M, Didaskalou, P, & Cantalamessa, G. (2023) Pleistocene slope, shallow-marine and continental deposits of eastern central Italy wedge-top basin: a record of sea-level changes and mountain building, Geological Field Trips & Maps, 15, 1-207. doi: 10.3301/GFT.2023.03; iris: 11381/2948192
Maiorana, M, Artoni, A., Le Breton, E, Sulli, A, Chizzini, N, & Torelli, L. (2023) Is the Sicily Channel a simple Rifting Zone? New evidence from seismic analysis with geodynamic implications, Tectonophysics, 864. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2023.230019; iris: 11381/2963197
Chizzini, N, Artoni, A., Torelli, L, Maiorana, M, & Sulli, A. (2023) Evidence of new diapiric structures in the southern Adria Plate (Eastern Margin of Tethyan Ocean): Implications for Triassic paleogeography and evaporites remobilization during subduction/collision (Northern Ionian Sea, Central Mediterranean), Marine Geology, 465. doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2023.107162; iris: 11381/2963198
Chizzini, N, Artoni, A., Torelli, L, Basso, J, Polonia, A, & Gasperini, L. (2022) Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the offshore Apulian Swell, a continental sliver between two converging orogens (Northern Ionian Sea, Central Mediterranean), Tectonophysics, 839. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2022.229544; iris: 11381/2932253
Chizzini, N, Artoni, A., Torelli, L, Polonia, A, Basso, J, & Gasperini, L. (2021) The interaction between the Apula plate and the Calabrian Accretionary Wedge in the Northern Ionian Sea: tectonic-stratigraphic evolution and implications for subduction processes, Egusphere, EGU21-8874. doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8874; iris: 11381/2981593
Le Breton, E, Carlini, M, Neumeister, R, Ecke, J, Chizzini, N, Torelli, L, & Artoni, A. (2021) Lower plate extension of a retreating subduction zone: case study of the Sicily Channel Rift Zone, Egusphere-Egu21-12579, EGU21-12579. doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12579; iris: 11381/2981594
Artoni, A., Basso, J, Torelli, L, Polonia, A, Chizzini, N, Gasperini, L, & Carlini, M. (2021) The post-Messinian translation of the Southern Apennines-Calabrian Arc in the Bradano basin (Northern Ionian Sea), Egusphere, EGU21-8451. doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8451; iris: 11381/2981573
Polonia, A, Artoni, A., Barberi, G, Billi, A, Gasperini, L, Palano, M, Sgroi, T, Spampinato, S, Sparacino, F, Torelli, L, & Ursino, A. (2021) The role of structural inheritance on Africa-Eurasia plate boundary evolution and neotectonics in the central Mediterranean sea, Egusphere, 21. doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5574; iris: 11381/2935752
Basso, J, Artoni, A., Torelli, L, Polonia, A, Carlini, M, Gasperini, L, & Mussoni, P. (2021) Oblique plate collision and orogenic translation of the Southern Apennines revealed by post-Messinian interregional unconformities in the Bradano Basin (Ionian Sea - Central Mediterranean), Marine and Petroleum Geology, 128. doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.104999; iris: 11381/2890818
Piazza, A, Tinterri, R, & Artoni, A. (2020) The role of orogen-transversal tectonic structures on the “syn” and “post” depositional evolution of a foredeep succession: The case of the Cervarola Sandstones Formation, Miocene, Northern Apennines, Italy, in: EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, EGU2020, Vienna, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online. doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-10031; iris: 11381/2879019
Alina, P, Sgroi, T, Artoni, A., Barberi, G, Billi, A, Gasperini, L, & Torelli, L. (2020) Active tectonics and seismicity in the Calabrian Arc subduction complex (Ionian Sea), in: EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, EGU 2020, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 13032-13032. doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-13032; iris: 11381/2879018
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Ghielmi, M, Serafini, G, Artoni, A., Di Celma, C, & Pitts, A. (2019) From Messinian to Pleistocene: tectonic evolution and stratigraphic architecture of the Central Adriatic Foredeep (Abruzzo and Marche, Central Italy), in: Field Trips -‐ GUIDE BOOK, 34th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Rome (Italy) September 10-‐13 2019, Associazione Italiana di Geologia del Sedimentario - GeoSed, Siena (Italy), Siena (Italy), 53-92. iris: 11381/2863339
Basso, J, Artoni, A., Torelli, L, Polonia, A, Carlini, M, Gasperini, L, & Mussoni, P. (2019) The Plio-Pleistocene Bradano basin and the Southern Apennine Orogenic Wedge: evidences of accretion collision and segmentation of Apulian continental plate, in: Abstract Book, Società Geologica Italiana, Roma, 463-463. doi: 10.3301/ABSGI.2019.05; iris: 11381/2863362
Artoni, A., Polonia, A, Torelli, L, Gasperini, L, Carlini, M, & Mussoni, P. (2019) Mass transport deposits and geo-hazard assessment in the Bradano Foredeep (Southern Apennines, Ionian Sea), in: Abstract Book, Francesco Latino Chiocci (Chair), Roma, 668-668. iris: 11381/2863340
Artoni, A., Polonia, A, Carlini, M, Torelli, L, Mussoni, P, & Gasperini, L. (2019) Mass Transport Deposits and geo-hazard assessment in the Bradano Foredeep (Southern Apennines, Ionian Sea), Marine Geology, 407, 275-298. doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2018.11.008; iris: 11381/2855075
Lucca, A, Storti, F, Molli, G, Muchez, P, Schito, A, Artoni, A., Balsamo, F, Corrado, S, & Salvioli Mariani, E. (2019) Seismically enhanced hydrothermal plume advection through the process zone of the Compione extensional Fault, Northern Apennines, Italy, The Geological Society of America Bulletin, 131, 547-571. doi: 10.1130/B32029.1; iris: 11381/2855754
Artoni, A., Polonia, A, Carlini, M, Gasperini, L, Torelli, L, & Mussoni, P. (2018) A new Megaslide in the Bradano Foredeep area (Southern Apennines, Ionian Sea), in: Abstract Book Congresso congiiunto SGI-SIMP, Società Geologica Italiana, Roma, 51-51. iris: 11381/2851562
Polonia, A, Torelli, L, Gasperini, L, Cocchi, L, Muccini, F, Bonatti, E, Hensen, C, Schmidt, M, Romano, S, Artoni, A., & Carlini, M. (2018) Calabrian Arc tectonics and mantle sourced diapirism in the Ionian Sea, in: Abstract Book Congresso congiunto SGI-SIMP, Società Geologica Italiana, Roma, 336-336. iris: 11381/2851567
Artoni, A., Polonia, A, Torelli, L, Mussoni, P, Carlini, M, Gasperini, L, & Basso, J. (2018) From foredeep to wedge-top in the Plio-Pleistocene Bradano basin: the Apulia plate as the external front of the Southern Apennines and the Calabrian Arc. Implications for seismic hazard in the Gulf of Taranto, in: Abstract Book Congresso congiunto SGI-SIMP, Società Geologica Italiana, Roma, 133-133. iris: 11381/2851566
Molli, G, Carlini, M, Vescovi, P, Artoni, A., Balsamo, F, Camurri, F, Clemenzi, L, Storti, F, & Torelli, L. (2018) Neogene 3-D Structural Architecture of The North-West Apennines: The Role of the Low-Angle Normal Faults and Basement Thrusts, Tectonics, 37, 2165-2196. doi: 10.1029/2018TC005057; iris: 11381/2849870
Molli, G, Carlini, M, Vescovi, P, Artoni, A., Balsamo, F, Camurri, F, Clemenzi, L, Storti, F, & Torelli, L. (2017) Role of low angle normal faulting and basement thrusting on the structural architecture of the Northern Apennines (Italy), Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19, 1-1. iris: 11381/2835519
Bortoluzzi, G, Polonia, A, Torelli, L, Artoni, A., Carlini, M, Carone, S, Carrara, G, Cuffaro, M, Del Bianco, F, D'Oriano, F, Ferrante, V, Gasperini, L, Ivaldi, R, La Terra, A, Ligi, M. et al. (2017) Styles and rates of deformation in the frontal accretionary wedge of the Calabrian Arc (Ionian Sea): controls exerted by the structure of the lower African plate, Italian Journal of Geosciences, 136, 347-364. doi: 10.3301/IJG.2016.11; iris: 11381/2816619
Russo, A, Artoni, A., Scarponi, D, & Serventi, P. (2017) Coral-algal Reef Complex of Vigoleno, Piacenza, Northern Italy, Iop Conference Series. Earth and Environmental Science, 95, 1-6. doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/95/3/032034; iris: 11381/2837031
Polonia, A, Torelli, L, Gasperini, L, Cocchi, L, Muccini, F, Bonatti, E, Hensen, C, Schmidt, M, Romano, S, Artoni, A., & Carlini, M. (2017) Lower plate serpentinite diapirism in the Calabrian Arc subduction complex, Nature Communications, 8, 1-13. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-02273-x; iris: 11381/2837032
Carlini, M, Chelli, A, Vescovi, P, Artoni, A., Clemenzi, L, Tellini, C, & Torelli, L. (2016) Tectonic control on the development and distribution of large landslides in the Northern Apennines (Italy), Geomorphology, 253, 425-437. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.10.028; iris: 11381/2799107
Polonia, A, Torelli, L, Artoni, A., Carlini, M, Faccenna, C, Ferranti, L, Gasperini, L, Govers, R, Klaeschen, D, Monaco, C, Neri, G, Nijholt, N, Orecchio, B, & Wortel, R. (2016) The Ionian and Alfeo-Etna fault zones: New segments of an evolving plate boundary in the central Mediterranean Sea?, Tectonophysics, 675, 69-90. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2016.03.016; iris: 11381/2805951
Piazza, A, Artoni, A., & Ogata, K. (2016) The Epiligurian wedge-top succession in the Enza Valley (Northern Apennines): evidence of a syn-depositional transpressive system, Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 109, 17-36. doi: 10.1007/s00015-016-0211-x; iris: 11381/2808574
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Polonia, A, Torelli, L, Gasperini, L, Romano, S, Vaiani, S, & Artoni, A. (2014) Active Tectonics and Seismic/Tsunami Hazard in the Messinian StraitsRegion: the Ionian and Alfeo/Etna Fault System, in: Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale GNGTS, OGS, Trieste. iris: 11381/2799403
Artoni, A., Conti, S, Turco, E, & Iaccarino, S. M. (2014) Tectonic and climatic control on deposition of seep-carbonates: The case of middle-late miocene salsomaggiore ridge (Northern Apennines, Italy), Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia E Stratigrafia, 120, 317-335. iris: 11381/2785359
Giaconia, F, Booth Rea, G, MartíNez MartíNez, J. M, AzañóN, J. M, Storti, F, & Artoni, A. (2014) Heterogeneous extension and the role of transfer faults in the development of the southeastern Betic basins (SE Spain), Tectonics, 33, 2467-2489. doi: 10.1002/2014TC003681; iris: 11381/2785358
Artoni, A., Mussoni, P, Polonia, A, Torelli, L, & Klaeschen, D. (2013) Polyphase deformations along the regional transect Squillace Basin-Crotone swell-Taranto basin-Apulian foreland: a Recent active collisional system in the northeastern Ionian Sea, Epitome,, 132-132. iris: 11381/2650277
Carlini, M, Artoni, A., Vescovi, P, Bernini, M, Francesca, R, Giuseppe, B, Paola, V, Luca, A, Maria Laura, B, Sveva, C, & Torelli, L. (2013) , Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, 1-1. iris: 11381/2728103
Carlini, M, Artoni, A., Luca, A, Maria Laura, B, Sveva, C, Vescovi, P, Bernini, M, & Torelli, L. (2013) Exhumation and reshaping of far-travelled/allochthonous tectonic units in mountain belts. New insights for the relationships between shortening and coeval extension in the western Northern Apennines (Italy), Tectonophysics, 608, 267-287. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2013.09.029; iris: 11381/2650275
Artoni, A. (2013) The Pliocene-Pleistocene Stratigraphic And Tectonic Evolution Of The Central Sector Of The Western Periadriatic Basin Of Italy, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 42, 82-106. doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2012.10.005; iris: 11381/2538078
Mussoni, P, Torelli, L, Polonia, A, Gasperini, L, Artoni, A., & Klaeschen, D. (2012) Pre-stack depth migrated (PSDM) seismic transects across the Calabrian Arc: a Miocene-Pleistocene arcuate complex accretionary wedge in the Ionian sea, Rendiconti Online Della SocietÀ Geologica Italiana, 21, 232-232. iris: 11381/2495636
Carlini, M, Clemenzi, L, Artoni, A., Chelli, A, Vescovi, P, Bernini, M, Tellini, C, Torelli, L, & Balestrieri, M. L. (2012) Late orogenic thrust-related antiforms in the western portion of Northern Apennines (Parma Province, Italy): geometries and late Miocene to Recent activity constrained by structural, thermochronological and geomorphologic data, Rendiconti Online Della SocietÀ Geologica Italiana, 22, 36-39. iris: 11381/2451235
Carlini, M, Artoni, A., Vescovi, P, Bernini, M, Remitti, F, Bettelli, G, Vannucchi, P, Aldega, L, Balestrieri, M. L, Corrado, S, & Torelli, L. (2012) Late orogenic deformation of the shallowest portion of an orogenic wedge: coeval activity of extensional and compressional tectonics in the western Northern Apennines (Italy), Rendiconti Online Della SocietÀ Geologica Italiana, 21, 193-194. iris: 11381/2495638
Polonia, A, Torelli, L, Mussoni, P, Gasperini, L, & Artoni, A. (2012) The Calabrian Arc Subduction Complex in the Ionian Sea: Structure, Evolution and Seismic Hazard, Rendiconti Online Della SocietÀ Geologica Italiana, 21, 249-250. iris: 11381/2495637
Capozzi, R, Artoni, A., Torelli, L, Lorenzini, S, Oppo, D, Mussoni, P, & Polonia, A. (2012) Neogene to Quaternary tectonics and mud diapirism in the Gulf of Squillace (Crotone-Spartivento Basin, Calabrian Arc, Italy), Marine and Petroleum Geology, 36, 219-234. doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2012.01.007; iris: 11381/2384289
Sauro, F, Piccini, L, Menichetti, M, Artoni, A., & Migliorini, E. (2012) , Geografia Fisica E Dinamica Quaternaria, 35, 167-176. doi: 10.4461/GFDQ.2012.35.15; iris: 11381/2559845
Carlini, M, Artoni, A., Bernini, M, Torelli, L, Camurri, F, & Vescovi, P. (2011) Vertical Movements and Emplacement of Ligurian and Subligurian Units Constrained by a new Dataset of low-Temperature Thermal and Thermochronological Analyses Along a Regional Cross Section Across the Northern Apennines (Italy), in: Abstract volume, B. Carmina, Pisa, 18-18. iris: 11381/2340973
Artoni, A., Migliorini, E, Sganzerla, A, Rebesco, M, & Roghi, G. (2011) STRATIGRAFIA E ASSETTO STRUTTURALE DELL’AREA IN CUI SI SVILUPPA LA SPLUGA DELLA PRETA, in: Memorie dell'Istituto Italiano di Speleologia, La Grafica, Verona, XXV, ser. II, 45-59. iris: 11381/2360275
Polonia, A, Torelli, L, Mussoni, P, Gasperini, L, Artoni, A., & Klaeschen, D. (2011) The Calabrian Arc subduction complex in the Ionian Sea: Regional architecture, active deformation, and seismic hazard, Tectonics, 30, TC5018, 1-28. doi: 10.1029/2010TC002821; iris: 11381/2408154
Artoni, A., Chelli, A, Clerici, A, Tellini, C, & Vescovi, P. (2010) Excursion to Alpi Apuane, coast of Cinque Terre and landslides in the Parma Apennines. Field trip guide for the Department of Engineering Geology of Comenius University, Bratislava. Septembre 25-26th 2010, 1-86. iris: 11381/2330364
Artoni, A., Bernini, M, Papani, G, Rizzini, F, Barbacini, G, Rossi, M, Rogledi, S, & Ghielmi, M. (2010) Mass-transport deposits in confined wedge-top basins: surficial processes shaping the messinian orogenic wedge of Northern Apennine of Italy, Italian Journal of Geosciences, 129, 101-118. doi: 10.3301/IJG.2009.09; iris: 11381/2300968
Trua, T, Manzi, V, Roveri, M, & Artoni, A. (2010) The Messinian volcaniclastic layers of the Northern Apennines:evidence for the initial phases of the Southern Tyrrhenian spreading?, Italian Journal of Geosciences, 129, 269-279. doi: 10.3301/IJG.2010.09; iris: 11381/2328323
Artoni, A., Clerici, A, Monegatti, P, Peis, D, Perego, S, Tellini, C, & Vescovi, P. (2009) Il WebGIS delle Emergenze geologiche nella provincia di Parma. iris: 11381/2330305
Artoni, A., Chelli, A, Clerici, A, Contrada, F, Santi, M, Tellini, C, & Vescovi, P. (2009) Excursion to the Pisa leanig tower, Alpi Apuane, Carrara marble quarries and landslide in the Parma Apennines, 1-70. iris: 11381/2295423
Artoni, A., & Tinterri, R. (2009) Submarine orogenic front forming inside turbiditic foredeep basin: the case of the middle Miocene Salsomaggiore frontal fault-related anticline (Northern Apennines, Italy), in: AAPG HEDBERG CONFERENCE, Abstract Volume, October 4-9, 2009, Tirrenia, Italy, AAPG, TULSA, 1, 1-5. iris: 11381/2294459
Artoni, A., Capozzi, R, Lorenzini, S, Oppo, D, Polonia, A, & Torelli, L. (2009) Active tectonics and mud diapirism in the Gulf of Squillace (Crotone Basin, Calabrian Arc, Italy), Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, 3140-3140. iris: 11381/2280235
Oppo, D, Capozzi, R, Artoni, A., Torelli, L, & Polonia, A. (2009) Relationships between recent tectonic activity, mud diapirism and slope instability in the Gulf of Squillace (Calabrian Arc, Ionian Sea), in: Book of Abstracts, IAS, ALGHERO, 1, 298-298. iris: 11381/2294533
Artoni, A., Chelli, A, Clerici, A, Tellini, C, & Vescovi, P. (2008) Excursion in the Parma Apennines, Alpi Apuane and Pisa leaning tower of the Department of Engineering Geology of Comenius University Bratislava, 1-70. iris: 11381/2295426
Artoni, A., Clerici, A, Monegatti, P, Perego, S, Tellini, C, & Vescovi, P. (2008) Il WebGIS dei Geositi del territorio della Provincia di Parma, in: Sistemi informativi - Analisi e Gestione del Territorio, 1-12. iris: 11381/1897230
Polonia, A, Torelli, L, Capozzi, R, Riminucci, F, Artoni, A., Ramella, R, & Calarc, G. (2008) African-Eurasian Plate Boundary in the Ionian Sea: shortening and strike slip deformation in the outer Calabrian Arc accretionary wedge, in: Riassunti Estesi delle Comunicazioni, OGS, TRIESTE, 37-40. iris: 11381/1871135
Mecozzi, S, & Artoni, A. (2008) Geological processes and products related to Miocene cold seeps, Abstract, 2-2. iris: 11381/2285400
Artoni, A., Torelli, L, Capozzi, R, Polonia, A, Lorenzini, S, Oppo, D, & Calarc, G. (2008) The Apenninic-Maghrebian Prism of Inner Calabrian Arc as imaged by subsurface data in the Squillace embayment (Calabria, Southern Italy), Rendiconti Online Della SocietÀ Geologica Italiana, 3, 38-39. iris: 11381/2285383
Tribaudino, M, Artoni, A., Mavris, C, Bersani, D, Lottici, P. P, & Belletti, D. (2008) Single-crystal X-ray and Raman investigation on melanophlogite from Varano Marchesi (Parma, Italy), American Mineralogist, 93, 88-94. doi: 10.2138/am.2008.2528; iris: 11381/2295572
Tribaudino, M, Bersani, D, Artoni, A., & Mavris, C. (2007) New X-ray and Raman data on melanophlogite, a clathratephase of silica, in: Epitome, Geoitalia 2007, RIMINI, 2, 298-298. doi: 10.1474/Epitome.02.1052.Geoitalia2007; iris: 11381/1752662
Trua, T, Manzi, V, Roveri, M, & Artoni, A. (2007) Mineralogical and chemical investigations of tephra layers in the Messinian deposits of the Central Apennines, in: PLINIUS, PISA, 33, 439-439. iris: 11381/1654180
Artoni, A., Bernini, M, Papani, G, Rizzini, F, & Barbacini, G. (2007) From debris flows to sliding masses in a confined basin at the toe of an orogenic wedge: the case of the Messinian mass-wasting deposits of Northwestern Apennine of Italy, Rendiconti Della SocietÀ Geologica Italiana, 5, 44-48. iris: 11381/1659145
Artoni, A., Conti, S, Piola, G, Turco, E, & Iaccarino, S. M. (2007) Tectonic and climatic controls on deposition of seep-carbonates in the middle-late Miocene Salsomaggiore Ridge (Northern Apennines, Italy, in: abstract volume, 2, 58-58. iris: 11381/1714925
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Artoni, A. (2007) Growth rates and two-mode accretion in the outer orogenic wedge - foreland basin system of Central Apennine (Italy), Bollettino Della SocietÀ Geologica Italiana, 126, 531-556. iris: 11381/1659146
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Artoni, A., Rizzini, F, Roveri, M, Gennari, R, Manzi, V, Papani, G, & Bernini, M. (2007) Tectonic and climatic controls on sedimentation in Late Miocene Cortemaggiore Wedge-Top Basin (Northwestern Apennines, Italy), in: Thrust Belts and Foreland BasinsFrom fold kinematics to hydrocarbon systems, Springer, HEIDELBERG, 431-456. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-69426-7_23; iris: 11381/2295245
Artoni, A., Rizzini, F, Bernini, M, Papani, G, & Roveri, M. (2006) Anatomy and development of Messinian mass-wasting deposits in submarine confined basins: examples from northwestern Apennine of Italy, Acta Naturalia De L'ateneo Parmense, 42, 2, A.04 SS.4-A.04 SS.4. iris: 11381/1630326
Trua, T, Manzi, V, Roveri, M, & Artoni, A. (2006) The tephra layers in the post-evaporitic Messinian deposits of the Apennines foreland: mineralogical and chemical investigation, in: ACTA NATURALIA de L'Ateneo Parmenese, PARMA, 42/2, A.59SS3-A.59SS3. iris: 11381/1740517
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Rizzini, F, Torelli, L, Pascucci, V, Pini, G. A, Camurri, F, Artoni, A., Bernini, M, Lucente, C, Manzi, V, Paltrinieri, W, Papani, G, & Roveri, M. (2006) Geological Transect from the Ligurian Sea to the Po Plain, Acta Naturalia De L'ateneo Parmense, 42 (2), 44-44. iris: 11381/1629647
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Artoni, A., Rizzini, F, Roveri, M, Gennari, R, Manzi, V, Papani, G, & Bernini, M. (2006) Tectonic-climatic controls and cyclicities in Late Miocene sedimentary record of Cortemaggiore Wedge-Top Basin (Northwestern Apennines, Italy), Acta Naturalia De L'ateneo Parmense, 42, 2, A.05 SS.4-A.05 SS.4. iris: 11381/1630327
Artoni, A. (2006) Tassi e modalità d'accrezione del Cuneo Orogenico Esterno dell'Appennino Centrale (COAEC) dal Miocene superiore al Pleistocene (Appennino centrale, Italia), Crescenti U et al, ROMA, Riassunti, 53-57. iris: 11381/1630324
Artoni, A., & Conti, S. (2006) Seep-carbonates in intrabasinal highs of the inner foredeep: new insights from the middle Miocene Salsomaggiore Ridge (Northern Apennines, Italy), Lugli S, MODENA, Abstract Vol, 17-20. iris: 11381/1630325
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Artoni, A., Rizzini, F, Papani, G, Bernini, M, Roveri, M, & Gennari, R. (2005) Messinian mass-wasting products of Northwestern Apennine foothills: from debris flows to huge slided masses in response to increasing relief steepness of an accretionary wedge, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, 07428-07428. iris: 11381/1443974
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Artoni, A., Gennari, R, Papani, G, & Rizzini, F. R. M. (2004) Tectonic and climatic ciclicty in the late Messinian Lago Mare deposits bordering the Salsomaggiore structure (Northern Apennine foothills, Italy), in: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 6, 03600-03600. iris: 11381/1661598
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Artoni, A., Papani, G, Calderoni, M, Rizzini, F, Argnani, A, Roveri, M, Rossi, M, & Rogledi, S. (2004) Paleo-landslides shaping the messinian Northern Apennine mountain front: the example of the Salsomaggiore structure (Northern Italy), Geophysical Research Abstracts, 6, 03705-03705. iris: 11381/1443008
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