Pubblicazioni selezionate
Recent Book:
Il formicaio intelligente - Come vivono e che cosa possono insegnarci i più sociali tra gli insetti (October 2018). pp. 272, Zanichelli (Bologna)
Recent Papers
D. Giannetti, C. Castracani, F. A. Spotti, A. Mori, D.A. Grasso (2019). Gall-Colonizing Ants and Their Role as Plant Defenders: From ’Bad Job’ to ’Useful Service’. INSECTS, vol. 10, p. 1-19, ISSN: 2075-4450, doi: 10.3390/insects10110392 (open access).
D. D’Eustacchio, L. Solida, A. Profico, M. Centorame, D. A. Grasso, C. Castracani, A. Mori, A. Fanfani (2019) Tasks Performed by Different Groups of Foragers and Regulation of Foraging Activity in the Mediterranean Harvest Ant Messor wasmanni (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)Journal of Insect Behavior,
Arnan et al. (2018). Dominance–diversity relationships in ant communities differ with invasion. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, vol. 24, p. 4614-4625, ISSN: 1354-1013, doi: 10.1111/gcb.14331
Nepi, Massimo, Grasso, Donato A, Mancuso, Stefano (2018). Nectar in Plant-Insect Mutualistic Relationships: From Food Reward to Partner Manipulation. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, vol. 9, ISSN: 1664-462X, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01063 (open access).
Gibb et al. (2017). A global database of ant species abundances. ECOLOGY, vol. 98, p. 883-884, ISSN: 0012-9658, doi: 10.1002/ecy.1682
Raposio, Edoardo, Bortolini, Sara, Maistrello, Lara, Grasso, Donato A. (2017). Larval Therapy for Chronic Cutaneous Ulcers: Historical Review and Future Perspectives. WOUNDS, vol. 29, p. 367-373, ISSN: 1044-7946
CASTRACANI, Cristina, Bulgarini, Giacomo, GIANNETTI, DANIELE, SPOTTI, Fiorenza Augusta, Maistrello, Lara, MORI, Alessandra, GRASSO, Donato Antonio (2017). Predatory ability of the ant Crematogaster scutellaris on the brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys. JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, vol. 90, p. 1181-1190, ISSN: 1612-4758, doi: 10.1007/s10340-017-0889-1
SCHETTINO, MAURO, GRASSO, Donato Antonio, Weldegergis, Berhane T., CASTRACANI, Cristina, MORI, Alessandra, Dicke, Marcel, Van Lenteren, Joop C., Van Loon, Joop J. A. (2017). Response of a Predatory ant to Volatiles Emitted by Aphid- and Caterpillar-Infested Cucumber and Potato Plants. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ECOLOGY, vol. 43, p. 1007-1022, ISSN: 0098-0331, doi: 10.1007/s10886-017-0887-z
Mauro Mandrioli, Matteo Bisanti, Donato A. Grasso, Gian Carlo Manicardi (2016). Role of ant-tending in modulating the presence of symbiotic bacteria against parasitoids in aphids. TRENDS IN ENTOMOLOGY, vol. 12, p. 63-71, ISSN: 0972-4761
CASTRACANI, Cristina, Maienza, A, GRASSO, Donato Antonio, Genesio, L., MALCEVSCHI, Alessio, Miglietta, F., Vaccari, F. P., MORI, Alessandra (2015). Biochar-macrofauna interplay: Searching for new bioindicators. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, vol. 536, p. 449-456, ISSN: 0048-9697, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.07.019
Gibb et al. (2015). Climate mediates the effects of disturbance on ant assemblage structure. PROCEEDINGS - ROYAL SOCIETY. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, vol. 282, ISSN: 0962-8452, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2015.0418
SPOTTI, Fiorenza Augusta, CASTRACANI, Cristina, GRASSO, Donato Antonio, MORI, Alessandra (2015). Daily activity patterns and food preferences in an alpine ant community. ETHOLOGY ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, vol. 27, p. 306-324, ISSN: 0394-9370, doi: 10.1080/03949370.2014.947634
Grasso D. A., Pandolfi C., Bazihizina N., Nocentini D., Nepi M, Mancuso S. (2015). Extrafloral-nectar-based partner manipulation in plant–ant relationships. AOB PLANTS, vol. 4, ISSN: 2041-2851, doi: 10.1093/aobpla/plv002
Campolo Orlando, Palmeri Vincenzo, Malacrinò Antonino, Laudani Francesca, Castracani Cristina, Mori Alessandra, Grasso Donato A. (2015). Interaction between ants and the Mediterranean fruit fly: New insights for biological control. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, vol. 90, p. 120-127, ISSN: 1049-9644, doi: 10.1016/j.biocontrol.2015.06.004
Cristina Castracani, Fiorenza A. Spotti, Donato A. Grasso, Alberto Fanfani, Alessandra Mori (2014). A new exception to the dominance-discovery trade-off rule in ant communities. REDIA, vol. XCVII, p. 171-175, ISSN: 0370-4327
Andrea Lucky, Amy M. Savage, Lauren M. Nichols, Cristina Castracani, Leonora Shell, Donato A. Grasso, Alessandra Mori, Robert R. Dunn (2014). Ecologists, educators, and writers collaborate with the public to assess backyard diversity in The School of Ants Project. ECOSPHERE, vol. 5, ISSN: 2150-8925, doi: 10.1890/ES13-00364.1
L. Solida L., L. Luiselli, GRASSO, Donato Antonio, D. D’Eustacchio, MORI, Alessandra, A. Fanfani (2014). Spatio-temporal foraging dynamics in two coexisting harvester ants of genus Messor (Hymenoptera Formicidae).. JOURNAL OF INSECT BEHAVIOR, vol. 27, p. 429-438, ISSN: 0892-7553, doi: 10.1007/s10905-014-9439-3