Peer-reviewed publications:
Secchiari A., Montanini A., Cluzel D., 2022 "Temperatures and cooling rates recorded by the New Caledonia ophiolite: implications for cooling mechanisms in young forearc sequences." Accepted for publication on Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
Secchiari A., Gleissner P., Li, C., Goncharov A., Becker H., Milke R., Becker H., Bosch D., Montanini A., 2020. “Highly siderophile and chalcophile element behaviour in abyssal type and supra-subduction zone mantle: new insights from the New Caledonia ophiolite”. Lithos, 354-355, 105338
Cluzel D., Aitchison J., Secchiari A., Montanini A., Bosch D., 2020. New Caledonia Ophiolite, Marginal Rifting to Fore-arc Evolution. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2020, 94, pp. 9–10.
Secchiari A., Montanini A., Bosch D., Macera P., Cluzel D., 2020. “Sr, Nd, Pb and trace element systematics of the New Caledonia harzburgites: Tracking source depletion and contamination processes in a SSZ setting” In press on Geosciences Frontiers, special volume “Ophiolites” (
Maurizot P., Collot J., Iseppi M., Lesimple S., Secchiari A., Bosch D., Montanini A., Macera P., 2020. “Chapter 5: The Eocene subduction-obduction complex”. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 51, 93-130.
Secchiari A., Montanini A., Bosch D., Macera P., Cluzel D., 2019. “Origin of the spinel-pyroxene symplectites in the harzburgites from the New Caledonia Peridotite”. Ofioliti, 44 (1), 31-42.
Secchiari A., Montanini A., Bosch D., Macera P., Cluzel D., 2018. “The contrasting geochemical message from the New Caledonia gabbronorites: insights on depletion and contamination processes of the sub-arc mantle in a nascent arc setting”. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 173:66.Secchiari A., 2016. “Geochemical and Sr, Nd, Pb isotope investigation of the New Caledonia ophiolite”. Plinius, 42, 94-100, DOI: 10.19276/ plinius. 2016. 01012
Secchiari A., Montanini A., Bosch D., Macera P., Cluzel D., 2016. “Melt extraction and enrichment processes in the New Caledonia lherzolites: evidence from geochemical and Sr-Nd isotope data”. Lithos, 260, p. 28-43.
Cluzel D., Ulrich M., Jourdan F., Meffre S., Paquette J.L., Audet M.A., Secchiari A., Maurizot P., 2016. “Early Eocene clinoenstatite boninite and boninite-like dikes of the ophiolite of New Caledonia; a witness of slab-derived enrichment of the mantle wedge in a nascent volcanic arc”. Lithos, 260, p. 429-442.
Secchiari A., 2016. “Geochemical and Sr, Nd, Pb isotope investigation of the New Caledonia ophiolite”. Plinius, 4 2, 94 100. DOI: 10.19276/ plinius. 2016. 01012
Secchiari A., 2016. "Geochemical and Sr, Nd, Pb isotope investigation of the New Caledonia ophiolite". PhD Thesis, Parma and Montpellier University, p. 191.
Published geochemical dataset:
Secchiari, A., Montanini, A., Bosch, D., Macera, P., Cluzel, D. 2020. Major, trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope composition of the New Caledonia gabbronorites. DOI:
Secchiari, A., Montanini, A., Bosch, D., Macera, P., Cluzel, D. 2020. Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope characterisation of the New Caledonia peridotites (harzburgites and lherzolites). DOI:
Secchiari, A., Gleissner, P., Li, C., Becker, H., Bosch, D., Montanini, A. 2020. Re-Os, highly siderophile (HSE) and chalcophile (S-Se-Te) element characterisation of the New Caledonia peridotites. DOI:
Conference proceedings:
Ferrari E.*, Secchiari A., Montanini A., Cluzel D. "The Bogota pyroxenites: new insights on mantle heterogeneity in young subduction systems." 90° SGI conference, September 13th-17th 2021.
Secchiari A.*, Montanini A., Cluzel D., Ferrari E., "Hydrous mafic-ultramafic intrusives in a nascent arc (Massif du Sud, New Caledonia ophiolite)." GD4.1 – Subduction dynamics, volatiles and melts: Investigations from surface to deep mantle. EGU General Assembly 2021, April 19th-30th 2021.
Ferrari E., Secchiari A.*, Montanini A., Cluzel D., "Supra-subduction mantle pyroxenites in an infant subduction system: the New Caledonia ophiolite record". GMPV4.1 – Evolution of the Earth's upper mantle: a petrological, geochemical and geodynamic perspective on lithospheric mantle xenoliths, orogenic and ophiolitic peridotites. EGU General Assembly 2021, April 19th-30th 2021.
Bruschini E.*, Carli C., Capaccioni F., Vincedon M., Buellet A.C., Vetere F., Secchiari A., Ferrari M., Perugini D., Montanini A. "The effects of graphite and particles size on reflectance spectra of silicates" PS1.1 – Rocky planets around th e Sun and other stars – bulk, interiors, atmospheres, and their interdependent evolution. EGU General Assembly 2021, April 19th-30th 2021.
Secchiari A., Montanini A.*, Bosch D., Cluzel D., Macera P., 2020. The New Caledonia mantle section: tracking source depletion and contamination processes in a supra-subduction setting. Virtual Goldschmidt Conference 2020, 21st-26th June.
Cluzel D.*, Aitchison J., Secchiari A., Montanini A., Bosch D. New Caledonia Ophiolite, marginal rifting to fore‐arc evolution. Abstract presentato per “Fifth IGCP‐649 Diamonds and Recycled Mantle Workshop”, Oman November 13rd‐22nd 2019.
Ferrari E.*, Montanini A., Secchiari A., Bosch D. & Cluzel D.: Pyroxenite diversity in supra‐subduction mantle: preliminary data from the New Caledonia ophiolite. IES ‐Interactive Extended Session presentation at SIMP‐SGI‐SOGEI conference, Parma September 16th‐19th 2019.
Montanini A., Secchiari A.*, Bosch D. & Tribuzio R.: Pb isotope composition of recycled mantle pyroxenites: insights into the the HIMU source of oceanic basalts? Oral presentation at SIMP‐SGI‐SOGEI conference, Parma September 16th‐19th 2019.
Carli C.*, Serventi G., Maturilli A., Ferrari S., Sgavetti M., Secchiari A., Montanini A., Helbert J. 2019 “Emissivity and reflectance spectra of sulfide-bearing samples: new constraints for the hermean surface composition.” Poster presentation at EGU 2019.
Secchiari A.*, Becker H., Gleissner P., Li C., Montanini A., Bosch D., 2018 “Highly siderophile and chalcophile element behaviour in abyssal-type and supra-subduction zone mantle: constraints from the New Caledonia ophiolite. Oral presentation at 3° European mantle workshop, Pavia, 25th-28th June 2018.
Secchiari A.*, Montanini A., Bosch D., Macera P., Cluzel D., 2018. Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope investigation of the New Caledonia harzburgite: unravelling the evolution of a sub-arc mantle source. Poster presentation at 3° EMAW (European mantle workshop), Pavia, 25th-28th June 2018.
Serventi G., Carli C.*, Maturilli A., Ferrari S., Sgavetti M., Secchiari A., Montanini A., Helbert J., 2018. “Emissivity and reflectance spectra of sulfide-bearing samples: new constraints for the hermean surface composition”. Poster presentation at European Planetary Science Congress, Berlin, 16th-21st September 2018.
Secchiari A.*, Becker H., Gleissner P., Li C., Montanini A., Bosch D., 2018 “New insights on highly siderophile and chalcophile element behaviour in abyssal-type and supra-subduction zone mantle sections of the New Caledonia ophiolite” Oral presentation, Vienna, EGU conference.
Secchiari A.*, Montanini A., Bosch D., Macera P., Cluzel D., 2018 “Building new crust in a nascent arc setting: the example of the New Caledonia gabbronorites” Poster presentation, Vienna, EGU conference.
Secchiari A.*, Montanini A., Bosch D., Macera P., Cluzel D., 2017 “The contrasting geochemical message from the New Caledonia gabbronorites: insights on depletion and contamination processes of the sub-arc mantle in a nascent arc setting”. Oral presentation at SGI-SIMP, Pisa, 4th-6th September 2017.
Secchiari A.*, Becker H., Gleissner P., Li C., Montanini A., Bosch D., 2017 “Evidence from the New Caledonia peridotites for contrasting behavior of highly siderophile and chalcophile elements in supra-subduction zone and normal upper mantle” Poster presentation at SGI-SIMP, Pisa, 4th-6th September 2017.
Secchiari A., Montanini A.*, Bosch D., Macera P., Cluzel D., 2016 “Melt extraction and enrichment processes in the New Caledonia lherzolites” Oral presentation at “88° Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana” Naples, September 2016.
Secchiari A., Montanini A.*, Bosch D., Macera P., Cluzel D., 2016 “Subduction-related ultradepleted melts in a nascent arc: geochemical and isotopic evidence from the intrusive sequence of the New Caledonia ophiolite”. Poster presentation at Emc2016 (2nd European Mineralogical Conference), Rimini, September 2016.
Secchiari A.*, Montanini A., Bosch D., Macera P., Cluzel D., 2015. “Geochemistry and tectonic significance of lherzolites from New Caledonia Ophiolite”. Mineralogia –Special papers, 43, p. 129. Oral presentation at 2° European Mantle Workshop, Wroclaw, August 2015.
Secchiari A.*, Bosch D., Montanini A., Macera P., Cluzel D., 2014. “Ultra-depleted peridotites of New Caledonia: a reappraisal”. Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., Suppl. n. 1 Vol. 31., p. 474. Oral presentation at SGI-SIMP 2014, Milano, September 2014.
Secchiari A.*, Bosch D., Montanini A., Macera P., Cluzel D., 2014. “Multi-stage evolution of peridotites from New Caledonia: preliminary results”. Poster presentation, 6th Orogenic Lherzolite - Morocco 2014 special volume (abstracts), p. 119. Poster presentation
* = presenting author
L'attività di ricerca é focalizzata sull’utilizzo di metodologie di indagine petrologiche e geochimico-isotopiche che utilizzano elementi in traccia (elementi litofili e siderofili) ed isotopi radiogenici (Sr-Nd-Pb-Os), volte ad indagare la composizione del mantello terrestre, l’origine delle eterogeneità mantelliche, i processi delle zone di subduzione ed i cicli geochimici associati, con particolare riferimento a U-Th-Pb.
In seguito alla vittoria del bando per assegni di ricerca CNR- ECORD - IODP Italia 2021, il suo lavoro sarà incentrato sull’analisi di campioni di peridotiti oceaniche provenienti da varie spedizioni ODP e differenti contesti geodinamici (margini passivi, dorsali oceaniche e zone di sopra-subduzione), al fine di investigare la genesi e l’evoluzione dei domini refrattari ed ultra-refrattari nel mantello terrestre.
Questo nuovo progetto, realizzato in collaborazione con l'Università di Montpellier e lo Steinmann Institute di Bonn, si propone inoltre la messa a punto di traccianti geochimici non convenzionali per lo studio delle peridotiti impoverite.